Welcome, IP Addresses

The topic of IP addresses has been highly debated in the Wufoo headquarters. We have always collected them per submission for statistics and to [limit one entry per user](/2007/02/01/new-feature-–-allow-only-one-entry-per-user/ “One Entry per User”), but we have kept them away from your eyes so that they do not get abused. While not a huge security risk (since someone has to voluntarily fill out your form) we were leaning towards playing it safe. And then users began explaining their workflow, and how an IP address works similar to a digital signature by offering a way to locate where an entry came from. We’ve been working out a compromise to satisfy both thoughts.


IP addresses are currently tracked on public submissions. They are now available in the entry manager, reports, and exports, but come along with a few precautions. In the entry manager, you can see the address in the datagrid, and in a new section just underneath the datagrid. You can also filter by IP address. For reports, functionality is just the same except that the IP address is not a column that can be added/removed via the “+” in the top right hand of the datagrid. It has to be one of the columns showing on load to show in the report. This is to prevent users from unknowingly sharing every IP address on every public report.

Thanks for all of the feedback on the topic. We’re excited about the implementation, and about the new changes to the entry manager. Enjoy.


  • how an IP address works similar to a digital signature

    Have you guys actually implemented something with respect to signatures? Can wufoo forms collect signatures of the users ? If yes, how .. I mean .. what all does it sign?


    btw… the comment box has –> You may use HTML for stlye <–… isn’t using HTML for style the cardinal sin in these CSS days?

    Posted June 2nd, 2007 by duryodhan.
  • We don’t have any sort of digital signature. For some situations, an IP can help in giving a rough location of where an entry came from.

    Posted June 2nd, 2007 by Ryan Campbell.

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