The Submit API is Released!

As Ryan stated before when we released our [query and report API](/2006/09/25/the-era-of-the-api-begins/), “simplicity comes at a price– lack of power”. We would love to add every feature you could desire, but due to time and usability constraints, that just isn’t a possibility. So, for users who love using Wufoo, but are looking for a little more customization on how their forms operate, and how data is submitted, we bring you the submit API.

The submit API will allow you to programmatically submit data into your Wufoo account without requiring your user to visit a form that is hosted on Wufoo’s servers. We will continue to validate all form data before it is submitted into your database, but you’re free to manipulate the data before and after it is submitted to Wufoo. Here are a few examples of what could be achieved with the submit API:

– Redirect users to different locations depending on how they filled out the form.
– Add forms to your website without the use of iFrames.
– Email users customized messages based off of form data.
– Create widgets or customized applications that can submit data into Wufoo.
– Add up the values of two fields before submitting to Wufoo.
– Hook Wufoo up to your payment gateway.

To learn about how the submit API works, please head over to our [API documentation](/docs/api/) section.


  • What am I missing? I see a list of six items, which are claimed to be but a few of the things I can do. But when I go to the documentation, I find information on only these three:

    Submit Data
    Query Data
    Accessing a Report

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Larry Wood.
  • Larry, the one API (Submit Data) allows you to do all of these 6 things and more. The API allows you to programmatically submit data to your wufoo account, but since it is submitted under your terms, you can do whatever you like before, during, and after the submission. If you wish to send a custom email, or redirect the user, you can because you’re controlling the submission with your own code.

    You may be looking for examples on how to do all of these things. We have provided basic examples to get users started with the API. As we develop more, and as the community develops more, we will add them as examples.

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Ryan Campbell.
  • Ryan, I appreciate you reply, but I still wonder where is the documentation on how to:

    “Redirect users to different locations depending on how they filled out the form,” or how to

    “Hook wufoo up to your payment gateway”.

    Sorry if I’m being dense, but the only documentation I see is for the three items referred to above, and as I reviewed those, I didn’t see how that related to the other two kinds of things I’m interested in doing.

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Larry Wood.
  • Larry, when I listed those examples, I was just trying to give some potential possibilities of what you could do with the API. There are some basic examples and the documentation at

    The API does require programming knowledge since the form is hosted on your servers, and you must programatically submit the data to wufoo.

    If, for example, you wanted to redirect the user depending on how they filled out the form, you could create a form, have it submit to wufoo through the API, and then redirect them to different websites based off of their answers. Since the form is hosted on your site and you can control the complete user experience, you can decide what happens to them after a successful submission.

    So, let’s you had a radio button called “Radio” with the options of “yes”, or “no”. After the data is submitted to wufoo, you will have a JSON string returned to you letting you know if the submission was successful or not. If the submission was successful you could then write some code that says

    if radio = ‘yes’ redirect to
    elseif radio = ‘no’ redirect to

    Since you’re in complete control of the process, the possibilities are endless.

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Chris Campbell.
  • Thanks for the reply. I finally got it. Somehow I missed the part about the coming back with a “success” and then my being able to do the re-direct from my site.

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Larry Wood.
  • Glad you got it now, Larry. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Chris Campbell.
  • I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!u

    Posted February 1st, 2007 by Bush.
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