API Bonanza!


###Four New APIs!

We’ve got some new APIs for the code soldiers out there familiar with our [steady](http://www.wufoo.com/2010/05/26/the-wufoo-php-api-wrapper/) [march](http://www.wufoo.com/2010/05/11/introducing-the-wufoo-rest-api/) [forward](http://www.wufoo.com/2010/05/19/new-rest-api-changes/) to making Wufoo the easiest and most useful platform to develop against. Today, we’re introducing four new APIs that we believe will snap you to attention and continue to round out our API offerings.

###Entries POST API

The Entries POST API allows you to programmatically submit entries to your form. The previous Submit API was one of the most commonly used in our lineup. The new (and final) version maintains the ease of use of the previous API while adding more features. For example, you still submit your entries based on field values as POST parameters, but the [return value](https://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/kb/Wufoo-REST-API-V3/v3/entries/post/#response “Response Documentation”) now contains rich information like hyperlinks to the created entry. Explore our [API documentation](/docs/api/v3/entries/post/ “Entries Post API Documentation”) to see what’s new and what’s stayed the same.

###WebHook API

The WebHook API allows you to add [web hook integrations](/docs/integrations/webhooks/ “Web Hooks Documentation”) to a form without having to access the user interface. This allows you to build frictionless integrations between your application and Wufoo. To read how we accomplish this, check out the [introduction documentation](https://help.wufoo.com/articles/en_US/kb/Wufoo-REST-API-V3/v3/webhooks/#intro “Web Hook Introduction Documentation”) for this useful API.

###Comments API

The [Comments API](/docs/api/v3/comments/ “Comments API Documentation”) allows you to query for comments made about your entries by Form ID and Entry ID. So if you’re a common user of the [Entry Manager’s](/docs/entry-manager/ “Entry Manager Documentation”) comment system, than this one is for you.

###Login API

The [Login API](/docs/api/v3/login/ “Login API Documentation”) is useful if you’re an application developer who wants to make it easy for users to obtain their API keys. Given an email and password, the user’s API key is returned. The Login API has many uses for those who wish to create a seamless application integration experience. No longer will your users have to follow several steps to gather their key information. Because of the sensitive nature of this API, it will be restricted to [integration partners](/partners/ “Partner Documentation”) and [approved applications](https://master.wufoo.com/forms/integration-key-application/ “Integration Key Application Form”).

Thanks again to everyone playing with and sending in feedback on our new programmatic hooks. We’re hoping the addition of these two new methods will help our favorite tinkerers build compelling, full-featured add-ons for a myriad of esoteric needs.


  • Wonderful news!

    Out of curiosity, have you considered working up a POST API for comments?

    Posted June 30th, 2010 by Bluestrike2.
  • @Bluestrike2 We are still working out the details surrounding post/edit for your data. We have not yet discussed how to handle comment POST. We’ll keep you posted on this blog.

    Posted June 30th, 2010 by Tim Sabat.
  • Keep the steady march going! So anxious for the edit/delete API!

    Posted June 30th, 2010 by Jed Wood.
  • Nice changes, I liked the new WebHook API & Login API news, make it definitely easier for 3rd part integration.

    As the others pointed out, an edit/delete API would be useful to us too, but this is enough to keep us busy for a while 🙂

    Posted June 30th, 2010 by Flavio Copes.

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